Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The ups and downs

Yesterday was a good day, overall. Clive had a bit of a meltdown over the spelling lesson, but we recovered after a bit and moved forward. Mali and Max took long naps in the morning. We spent quite a while outside. 

Today is a pretty lousy day. Is it from the snow this morning (which is gone now)? Mali's lousy short nap? Max getting into the cat litter box and making a huge mess (2nd time in two days), or Max tearing leaves off my plant? Not being able to get anything done due to the twins' busy selves. Running out of milk? Feeling irritated about a Facebook interaction? What exactly is it that derails a day and makes it feel irrecoverable? Is it really irrecoverable? How do you start fresh in the middle of things and generate more goodwill to get through the rest of the day?

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